ComponentsKey is a new company formed in early 2020. The main aim of forming ComponentsKey is to engage in specialized distribution of leading active and passive components like Semiconductor Integrated Circuits, Discrete Semiconductor Products, Connectors, Sensor, Circuit Protection, Isolators, Relays and Switches, Capacitors, Resistors etc...

We support Wide range of Electronic Components and supply at Competitive prices and also offer consolidation services from diverse component manufacturers. One of the company strength's is to hold large inventory, Stock & Sell.

Including within its fold services encompassing PCB, PCBA, mechanical fabrication and even design consultancy all at one place.ComponentsKey serves as an end to end partner in your product innovations while also supporting to showcase your final product to the desired target market.

Our vision is to win and retain the confidence and loyalty of customers through dedication to quality and excellence in work.

Sales Support
If You Want to place an Order or have any queries related to our products ,delivery status, pricing , stocks or existing order please contact here

Fast Standard Shipping
Delivery typically in 10 to 12 Business Days.